This is the English version of my Active Directory recovery tool Werding v2. Find the original German version here on our site.
Werding is a script-based tool that helps in online recovery of Active Directory data. You can use it in conjunction with ADrestore by Sysinternals, ADRestore.NET by Guy Teverovsky or similar tools.
Werding has two operational modes: backup mode creates a CSV/XML backup of your AD data. Restore mode reads attribute values from the backup files and writes them back to AD. This is useful when you chose to recover a deleted AD object using a tombstone restore with ADrestore. This re-animated tombstone will have lost most of its attribute values including all group memberships. Werding can restore those values and all group memberships for such an object.
Werding v2 (English version): Online data recovery for Active Directory (87,7 KiB, 3.903-mal heruntergeladen, letzte Änderung am 25. August 2007)
Backup mode:
cscript werding.vbs
Restore mode:
cscript werding.vbs /o:<object-DN> /d:<CSV-file> [/g:no]
/o: specification of the DN (LDAP path) of an object existing in Active Directory
/d: path to a CSVDE export file in ANSI format
/g:no (optional) do not restore group memberships (default: group memberships will be restored)
DN and file specifications should be in quotes.
The XML file name is not specified but will be derived automatically from the CSV file name.
The DN must be exactly as Active Directory itself creates it (esp. upper or lower case and blanks).
Attention: If you use Werding on an x64 machine ypou need to run cscript from the SysWOW64 folder.
32 bit machine:
cscript werding.vbs /o:“CN=User007,OU=Employees,DC=domain,DC=com“ /d:“C:\Data\domain.txt“
64 bit machine:
%systemroot%\SysWOW64\cscript.exe werding.vbs /o:“CN=User007,OU=Employees,DC=domain,DC=com“ /d:“C:\Data\domain.txt“