Erinnert sich noch jemand an die Mitteilung der Vogonen, dass die Erde leider gesprengt werden müsse? Ungefähr so fühlte ich mich letzte Woche, als Microsoft To-do einfach mal meine ganzen Aufgaben geschrottet hat. Wer also auch mit einer Hybrid-Anbindung von Microsoft 365 zu tun hat … sei gewarnt.
Some weeks ago, Microsoft have announced that they are going to shut down their TechNet Gallery very soon (that is: at the end of December, 2020). There is a small number of contributions that we have been involved with. Furtunately, the original license (MIT license) allows us to republish those contributions. So in the next […]
Some weeks ago, Microsoft have announced that they are going to shut down their TechNet Gallery very soon (that is: at the end of December, 2020). There is a small number of contributions that we have been involved with. Furtunately, the original license (MIT license) allows us to republish those contributions. So in the next […]